◆24年度には、平泉で実際に発掘を行っている 担当者と山東省(予定)に赴いて予備調査を行う予定です。
■Project Schedule
◆ In 2012, the persons in charge of the actual excavation work in Hiraizumi will travel to Shandong Province to conduct a preliminary study.
◆ In cooperation with the School of Cultural Heritage at Northwest University, the School of History and Culture at Shandong University, Zhejiang Center for Archaeological Research, and Northeast Normal University, we will research the ancient gardens of China.
◆ During the period covered by special expenditures, every spring and fall a specially appointed professor in the field of historical archaeology will direct field surveys on gardens and their composition in Hiraizumi or at unexcavated Chinese gardens. In addition to analyzing deposits and artifacts found in the soil of the gardens, the professor will report on the results of the research in the Hiraizumi Culture Forum held at the end of January.
◆ We will complete an organizational system for materials and gather and organize excavation reports and documents concerning the gardens and garden remains of Kyoto, Nara, or the former Pre-Tang Chinese areas of Chang’an, Luoyang, and Qufu, which show certain evidence of remains from the 12th Century and before (Under Specially Appointed Associate Professor in Chinese Archaeology).
◆ In 2015 we are planning to host an international symposium for the report of research activities, to be a benefit both internationally and locally.